Better Clinics has a dedicated and easy to use Point of Sale terminal. Now your business can operate a terminal POS store front seamlessly integrated with all features of Better Clinics.
Better Clinics POS allows your team to quickly find and select from Product lists with custom images and categories, assign and scan barcodes on products to add them to the customer cart, securely checking out and creating branded customer receipts.
POS Features:
Products - set permissions, add barcodes, image tiles, autosuggest product search, inventory, pricing and discounts
Manage Cash Sales (Walk Ins) or Client Sales
Lightening quick barcode scanning
Save sales to Customer Accounts
Pay off existing open sale customer accounts
Product Discounting with $ and % amounts
Touch screen and desktop control to build customer sale lists
Email and Print customer invoices
Park or Discard sales
Split payment types
Low stock or out of stock notifications
Process real time payments with Stripe
To Access POS Terminal
Go here
Or launch POS from the header navigation by clicking on 'POS'. The terminal will open in a new tab.
POS Set-Up
Making a Sale
Set the Location and Team Member
By default the first location and team member are used.
The location can be changed by clicking the dropdown menu in the top right hand corner
The team member can be changed by clicking the dropdown menu arrow beside the current team member's name.
Select the client for which the sale is for using the client search bar in the top left hand corner.
You can search for existing clients, view a Client List, Add a New Client or process sale as a Cash Sale
Cash sales - by default after every sale the Terminal will reset and assign the client type 'Cash Sale'. Cash Sale will allow you to process the sale and payment, but you won't need to add the client details for this sale. You can choose to assign the sale to a client at any time by clicking 'Assign' next to Cash Sale.
Select the products for sale.
Selecting products to add to the sale can be done by clicking the tile, by using a barcode scanner, or searching for the product in the global product search bar (search by name or barcode).
Once the products have been selected, they will appear in the 'Current Sale' box to the right.
If this is a client sale, the client name will be shown in the 'Sale' title, this is linked to the client customer record. Click the clients name to access their details.
In line with the 'Sale' title are options to modify the sale
Click 'Void' to end the sale
Click 'Park' to park the sale to complete later. If parked, the sale is added to open orders and can be accessed in the left hand column under 'Parked Sales'.
Click the bin icon to empty the cart.
Update quantities
Product quantities can be increased or decreased by clicking on the product tiles or delete icons or by using the drop down menu in the cart.
You can also enter a custom quantity by clicking the 'Add Custom Quantity' image and entering a value.
Update Price and apply Discounts ($ and %)
By clicking on the Item row in the Current Sale it will reveal additional item details that can be modified for that sale. Qty, Price, Discount ($ and %).
Modify as needed, the updates will reflect in the amount due immediately.
When reducing the price of the product, the total cart discount amount will be displayed in 'Discounts'.
Any Tax (GST) on sales will be displayed.
Once the cart is ready, the payment can be processed or recorded.
If a client has been selected you can add the sale to their account by clicking 'Add to Account'
Split a payment by selecting 'Split' and selecting the payment methods from the dropdown menu
Use existing client Credit by selecting 'Credit' once a client has been selected
Select from the dropdown payment methods when processing a sale
For cash payments, select 'Cash' from the payment dropdown menu. Select the note(s) received. You can select the same note amount more than once and remove the note amount by clicking the corresponding '-' icon. The amount tendered is visible in grey on the bottom left hand corner of the note options. The change amount is visible in green on the bottom right hand corner of the note options.
Complete a partial payment by selecting the payment method from the dropdown menu, entering the amount paid and selecting pay now. You will be asked to confirm if you would like the payment recorded as a partial payment.
Real time payments can be processed using Stripe
Advanced Options
Find Advanced Options (3 dots button to the left of the 'Pay' button)
If a client has been selected:
Invoice: Create an invoice with outstanding balance
Email Invoice: Don't pay and email outstanding invoice to client.
Print Invoice: Don't pay and print an outsanding invoice to client.
Change Payment date: this changes the date of sale. Businesses may want to change the date of a sale if it is added into POS retrospectively. Select the new date and that date will be the recorded sales date. The default date is Today's date.
Custom Notes: Add Notes to the invoice.
Bill to Details: Update the invoice bill to details (invoice a 3rd party) from advanced options
Custom Fields: Select client fields to include on the Client's invoice. The data corresponding to these fields will be added to the invoice.
Cash Sale: You don't want to have to create a client for every sale, in this case just click 'Cash Sale'. The sale won't be assigned to a client, but it will be included in your reports as 'Cash Sale' so you can track your sales from this channel.
Open Sales - If the client has unpaid sales - either past sales or future sales - you can view the list and add any of these to the same invoice. These past and future sales are 'Open Sales'.
Once the Payment has been processed a 'Success' screen will show, on this screen you can choose to email an invoice, print an invoice or add a sale note
Preview what's in your cart by clicking the 'Preview' toggle. This will enable you to visualise what is in your customer's cart.
Increase the quantity of a product to be purchased by simply clicking on the product tile. Each time you click the product the quantity will increase by 1.
If a product is low in stock, a yellow low in stock icon will appear on the bottom right hand corner of the product tile. The low stock value is the value created on the product details screen.
If a product is out of stock, a grey x icon will appear on the bottom right hand corner of the product tile.
Determine the exact stock count by clicking the 'i' icon on the top left hand corner of each product tile. From this page you can select, 'product Settings' to take you to the settings page for that product to adjust any details or stock.
Return a product by clicking 'Return' next to the 'Pay Now' button. Simply click the tile or barcode search the product to return, the product/s will then be added to the cart. Click the red 'Return and Refund' button to complete the return. Any returns will be added back to stock, listed in the Invoices and Sales tables as ‘Returns’ and any refund payments associated with the returns would be added as ‘Refunds’ in the payment reports.