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Delete an Invoice

How to delete a paid or outstanding invoice

Trentenn avatar
Written by Trentenn
Updated over a week ago

If you need to delete an invoice here's how to do it.

  1. Or go to the Invoices screen

  2. Once on the Invoices screen, find the Invoice to delete

  3. Click the "Invoice' dropdown option

  4. Select 'Edit Invoice', the Pay / Invoice screen will launch

  5. Click 'Void' to 'Remove payments from this Invoice'. This will remove the payments associated with the invoice. Those payments will be deleted. If those payments need to be retained, consider Editing the invoice instead

  6. Once Voided, the Voided Invoice will appear in the Invoices table.

  7. Select 'Delete Invoice' from the Invoice dropdown

  8. A confirmation alert will appear 'Are you sure? Delete this invoice?'. Delete the invoice. Note, this is not reversible.

  9. The invoice will be deleted.

  10. Once deleted the Invoice number will not be reused and it will be archived.

  11. Deleted Invoices can be found on the Deleted Invoices table. Here or Sales > Invoices > dropdown filter > Deleted. Deleted Invoices are listed for reference only and nothing further can be done with them. Against each deleted invoice is the Client, team member who deleted it and the date of deletion.

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